Help Pacific Mambo Orchestra Launch Their First Album!
Pacific Mambo Orchestra, one of the top Latin Big Bands in the Bay Area, is recording their first full-length album, and they need your help! PMO has just launched a Kickstarter project and are looking to raise $10,000 to pay for the costs of releasing their first album, which will include 10 songs, 2 covers …

Jsmooth Salsa Lessons On Hiatus
Salsa lessons by JSmooth Salsa in Japan Town in San Jose are temporarily on hiatus as the Miraido Studio undergoes renovations. They hope to start teaching lessons there again by the end of the year. Until then, see our salsa calendar for other great places to take salsa lessons.

Latin Fever Fridays Footwork Competition Results
Afinkao’s 7th Annual Footwork Competition was held at the Beat this past Friday, and here are the results: 1st Place – Vimal Pradeep 2nd Place – Gustavo Carrillo 3rd Place – Max Shupungin Other competitors include Allison, Emma, Takeshi, Derek, Margo, and Emily. For videos of all the competitors, check out our YouTube page!

Hot Salsa Friday Jack & Jill Competition Starts Today!
PB&G’s annual “So You Think You Can Dance” Jack & Jill competition starts tonight at Hot Salsa Friday! If you’ve never seen the Jack & Jill competition before, it is basically a freestyle dance competition that’s open to everyone, where the dancers compete in salsa, chacha, bachata, and merrengue. This is all completely improv– no …

SF Salsa Festival Ticket Prices Go Up Tonight!
Today is the last day to get your tickets for the San Francisco Salsa Festival before ticket prices go up at midnight. The SF Salsa Festival is one of the largest salsa events of the year, and you don’t want to miss it! If you haven’t got your tickets yet, go get them at the …

SF Salsa Festival Prices Go Up This Thursday
The 4th Annual SF Salsa Festival is coming up in just a little over a month, and if you’re planning on going you might want to get your tickets soon, because prices go up this Thursday. If you haven’t been to the Festival before, it’s one of the largest salsa events of the year, featuring …

The Grand Salsa Nights Cancelled
We have received word from the organizer of salsa Tuesdays at The Grand (aka Mr. Maracas Tuesday Nights) that the event has been cancelled until further notice, due to a decision by the club management. We will update the site if we hear any further news. In the meantime, if you are looking for somewhere …

Caricature Contest Winner Announced
Happy Friday everyone! Thanks for sharing our What People Think About Salsa Dancers photo on Facebook– it’s gone viral with over 6,000 likes and 3,500 shares! Today we want to announce the winner of the Caricature Contest that we held last month. If you remember, you entered the contest by leaving reviews on our events. …

San Francisco Salsa Rueda Festival This Weekend
Are you a fan of Salsa Rueda? If so, you’re in luck, because the 4th Annual San Francisco Rueda Festival is coming up this weekend! Running from Thursday, February 16th to Sunday the 19th, the Festival will feature live music from popular salsa bands, dance workshops from top Salsa Rueda instructors, and dancing until the …

Latin Symbolics on2 Performance Team
Ava Apple and Rodolfo Guzman of the Latin Symbolics will be launching a new on2 performance team this Friday the 17th of February. The team will meet weekly culminating in performances held in May. Be sure to check out the Latin Symbolics website for all the details.

New Features on Salsa By The Bay
We here at Salsa By The Bay are always looking to improve our site, and we’ve been hard at work on some new features! Here are some of the things we’ve been working on, in case you missed them: Average Ratings You’ve always had the ability to leave reviews, but now you can see what …

Salsa Training Teams Starting Up
Looking to improve your salsa dancing in the new year? As any good dancer will tell you, the only way to improve is through consistent practice, and one good way to do that is by joining a training team. Many of the Bay Area’s top salsa instructors and teams are starting up training teams soon. …

Salsa By The Bay Caricature Contest
Have you seen some of the cool salsa caricatures on our site? Do you want one of your own? Well here’s your chance! Normally we only do caricatures for salsa instructors & djs, but since we’ve been getting a lot of requests to do caricatures, we’re holding a special contest where you can win your …

Salsa Team Auditions Coming Up!
EDIT: If you are looking for upcoming auditions, see 2013 Salsa Team Auditions. The Bay Area is fortunate to have some of the best salsa teams in the world, and many of them are holding auditions in the coming weeks for new members. If you’ve always wanted to be a part of a team and …

Glas Kat Re-Opening This Tuesday!
Glas Kat, once the host of the popular “Maracas Salsa Night” in SF, will be re-opening this Tuesday as The Grand! Ricardo Tellez & Tianne Frias will be teaching salsa lessons, followed by Rodney Aquino with bachata, plus live music by Orquesta N’Rumba Pa’gozar and DJ EldelaClave! Stop this Tuesday, December 20th for the grand …

World Latin Dance Cup 2011 Winners
UPDATE: See the results for the 2015 World Latin Dance Cup. The results from the 2011 World Latin Dance Cup Congratulations to all the competitors from the Bay Area at the 2011 World Latin Dance Cup! The competition this year was really tough, but a number of Bay Area dancers were able to make it …

Want to be on TV?
Want to be on TV? Well here’s your chance! Ricki Anaya is going to be filming for her new TV show “Dance TV” this Saturday the 17th at Elite Ballroom. The crew will be filming interviews with local dancers as well as taping a group salsa lesson. If you want to participate, just show up …

World Latin Dance Cup Live Stream
UPDATE: See the 2019 World Latin Dance Cup Live Stream. One of the largest salsa competitions of the year is going on this weekend, the World Latin Dance Cup, organized by Albert Torres in Las Vegas. As is usually the case, there are quite a few competitors from the Bay Area this year, including: Isidro …

Mambonova Audition This Sunday
Edit: Click here for information on the latest Mambonova auditions. If you want to improve your On2 dancing technique or want to join an On2 performance team without traveling all the way up to San Francisco, then you’re in luck! This Sunday, December 18th, Mambonova is going to be holding an audition for both their …