Ricardo Sanchez, the director of PB&G Dance Productions has announced that tonight will be the last Hot Salsa Friday. Hot Salsa Friday (or HSF as aficionados call it) has been one of the largest and most popular salsa socials in the South Bay, bringing out dancers from all over the Bay. It was home of the famous “So You Think You Can Dance” Jack & Jill competition, as well as the home of PB&G Dance Company.
Here is Ricardo’s statement:
“Dear Friends, tomorrow will be the last HOT SALSA FRIDAY. I have decided to close down and dedicate more time to my family. As much [as] dancing, the teams, [and] HSF has brought me happiness, God has giving me a beautiful family that I want to spend more time with.. I [would] love to have you guys tomorrow to celebrate a closure of [a] great part of my life.. Don’t worry SF Congress [is] still going on Lol”
Tonight should be a good night for dancing, so I recommend you all come and bid farewell & celebrate this great event.
Thanks, Ricardo for letting is all be your family for many years. We love that you have your new family. They need you and we’re glad to support your giving to them now. Vaya con Dios.