We here at Salsa By The Bay are always looking to improve our site, and we’ve been hard at work on some new features! Here are some of the things we’ve been working on, in case you missed them:
Average Ratings
You’ve always had the ability to leave reviews, but now you can see what other people think about an event at a glance with the average star rating, right at the top of the event! This rating takes all the user reviews plus the editorial reviews for an event and averages them together, much like Yelp!

You can also see the new star ratings when you’re searching for events on Google:

Top Rated Events
Another related feature is the top rated events widget in the sidebar which shows the top 5 salsa events as rated by users of Salsa By The Bay:
Now you can find the top salsa events that are going on in the Bay Area, and support your favorite venues by leaving them a review. Leave a review today, and you could even win a free caricature.
Improved Search
Out site has really grown in the past year, to include not just salsa events but also News and information about Bay Area Salsa Teams, Instructors, and Djs. To help you find the information you’re looking for, we’ve improved the search bar in the upper-right corner of the site to give you better and more accurate results.

More To Come
We’re always adding more features to Salsa By The Bay, so stay tuned for more cool stuff! If you have any suggestions for how to improve the site, feel free to contact us or let us know in the comments!
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