San Jose Jazz Festival Coming Up This Weekend!

Are you ready for the largest outdoor salsa event of the year?

The San Jose Jazz Festival (aka San Jose Jazz Summer Fest 2012) is coming up this weekend, from August 10-12. The festival features over a hundred musical groups from around the world, playing everything from Jazz, Blues, Funk, and of course salsa!

This year’s lineup of musicians for the Salsa Stage features some great musicians, including Avance, Grupo Bakkan, Julio Bravo, Mazacote, Pacific Mambo Orchestra, and more! There is also going to be a salsa flash mob at the Festival, if you want to join in on the action.

If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, you can get them for a discounted online at the Jazz festival website. This is one of the best salsa events of the year, and I would encourage everyone to go for at least one day (Saturday is the most popular, although the other days are great too).

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