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Submit Your Event

The name of your dance event.

Tell people what your event is about. Required field.

Required field.

How much does it cost (e.g., $20, Free)?

For instance, “8:00 PM”. Required field.

When does the event end (e.g. 2:00 AM)?

Upload an image (optional).

Organizer Details (optional)

Who is hosting the event?

If you’d like to show the organizer’s headshot or logo, you can upload one here.

Event Recurrence

Choose if this is a one-time, weekly, or monthly repeating event.

Required field if it’s one-time.

Select either “Every week” or “Every other week.”

Select all days this event happens each week (or every other week).

Select either “Every month” or “Every other month.”

E.g. First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last

E.g., Monday, Tuesday, etc.

Event Type (Select at least one)



Salsa Vida